on inventions, trade marks, design, know-how, protection of software and plant variety rights.
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on inventions, trade marks, design, know-how, protection of software and plant variety rights.
Continue readingPatent and trademark searches are carried out in close cooperation with Infobroking Schwanecke Dresden.
Continue readingbefore the German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA), the Federal Patent Court, the Federal Office of Plant Varieties, the European Patent Office, the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market and other international offices for the protection of industrial property.
Continue readingof intellectual property rights and their management.
Continue readinginfringement of intellectual property rights; appearance before all relevant courts.
Continue readingand representation in all matters concerning employee inventions.
Continue readingall industrial property rights nationally and internationally – patents including European patents, utility models, design patents, trademarks, plant variety rights, topographies
Continue readingin the case of licence agreements, including drafting.
Continue reading(expert opinion) on industrial property rights.
Continue readingat Saxon universities and other institutions.
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